Once upon a time, far far away in a magical land known as Erda, Utah, lived three little double doodles. Cute as can be. You see, their mother (Aussie) is a mini labradoodle and their father (Max) is a mini golden doodle. That’s how they got their breed name—double doodles. Golden retriever, Labrador retriever and poodle. But these days—-who really cares? (We can discuss this matter another time).
The three little doods came into this world with a bang! They were born the last day of the year 2022. Fireworks could be heard around the continent. Literally!!! Big mamma came first. Big and curly! She had us all worried. Aussie worked hard to get her here. So you can imagine Aussies self satisfaction immediately after her birth. Her smile, love and determination got her through the next two arrivals. Lil Whisper arrived 14 minutes later. A more wavier black coat than her BIG sisters curly one. Big Boy Blue came 26 minutes after Whisper. For now, these will be their names. With time, we will get to know them even better and either hyphenate or change these names completely. As for today, their eyes and ears are still closed. They are 10 days old and sleeping a lot. Sleeping on leaves and sometimes not! Their story——————to be continued. Watch for their updates!!!!! #goldendoodle_utah Goldendoodles Utah|Kristin Erda, Utah |